Joey O'Connor
Conway, South Carolina  

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Make A Simple Ad Service By Joey O'Connor

Now Available! We listened to your needs and have made available our Make A 'Simple Ad' Service!

We will browse your website and capture images, slogans, etc., and make an image ad for you to use on any of our websites!

You will own this ad and be able to use it however you see fit!

This service is great for those that need ads to run on our websites like,, etc.

And here is the best news of all! For a limited time this service is only $19.95!

Ready for us to make your 'Simple ad'? Just complete the form below and pay for your submission!

Need for us to make more than 1 ad? No Problem! Just return to this page and submit after each submission and payment and re-submit your information for as many ad sizes as you need! Individual listing fees will apply.

All submissions will be reviewed for context and accuracy. There will be no guarantees of contacts from your ad and there will be no refunds once a submission has been paid for and/or indexed. Submissions will be indexed after payment has been received. By clicking on the Submit button you agree that you are authorized to submit the making of the ad, that you have the right to give us permission to gather information and/or logos from your website, that you are authorized to pay for the ad, and understand the above. Once your submission and payment has been received and approved, your ad will be produced and sent to you within 3 business days.

After you click Submit, you will be re-directed to a payment page where you will need to pay for your ad immediately using your credit card, debit card, or bank draft thru our secure processor or you may log-in to PayPal. For the ultimate in your security, we will never see your credit card numbers or your bank information!

* Required

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Copyright © 1998 - Joey O'Connor and his partners and licensors. All Rights Reserved.

Joey O'Connor